The Dink Network

chaoticnight's Profile

Peasant She/Her United States
Dinking around since 2009..... 
5/19/2017 Oh Jeez! Well I apparently haven't been on in 7 years. Not gonna lie, don't really remember anyone but I'll see if going through my posts can help with that.

Well I was in college. Did fine and all but honestly felt like it wasn't helping me progress in my life. I had a severe illness I ended up having emergency surgery for in Nov. 2010. Definitely a life adjustment but I'm alright now.

Haven't been Dinking around at all I'm afraid >_< The last couple years I got into board gaming and tabletop rpgs. I also babysit somewhat regularly for a longtime friend. Not currently doing the gaming but have other life adjustments going on.

Currently single and have chosen to be for quite some time...though I have someone I sometimes go out to dinner with and other social things.

I like Asian food including sushi (yum!). I like going to Applebee's for their wanton tacos.

I got into watching daytime court shows and love to see self centered people get put in their place. Also learning a lot about the law. I also like HGTV.

I like to 'window shop' online a lot. Plan on getting a new metal bed frame soon (actual nice frame, not the cheap thing the foundation sits on). I like metal and modern looking things.

I listen to a lot of Pandora Radio. Been into Adult Contemporary (like Andy Grammer). But I also mix it up with pop/jpop , alt, 80's and dance/club stuff.

I write poetry though I haven't been very inspired in a while, and the last few I don't feel were very good. The one I'm working on now has taken me several days, which is very unusual for me. I typically write in one sitting because I want the words to just flow naturally. If I have to think too hard I feel it's not as authentic. However that's what's happening now and I'm going with it because I want to get into writing again.

When I'm distracted or rushed I tend to make more typos. This happens often when I'm babysitting.

When I'm tired I do strange write a huge biography on a site I haven't been on in years and may continue to not regularly visit.

Private Message

2010-03-14 14:47:51
Peasant She/Her United States
Dinking around since 2009..... 
Slayer spagetti with slime sauce, and magic duck dropping sprinkled on top. The king was so impressed that he hired Milder (who he got Martridge to raise from the dead) to steal the formula and market it as his own. So Milder snuck in and Dink...