The Dink Network

allikitten's Profile

I'm Alli or Allison, depending what you want to call me. I am 16 and from Minnesota. My favorite things are currently Transmetropolitan comics, "hanging out" with my friends (although I hate that phrase), and YIG. I like KMFDM and Ben Folds (very different, I know, but my tastes are varied). I do not like Rammstien, but I enjoy their pyrotechnics. I work at the not-so-local library, and my hobbies include (but aren't limited to) videogaming, being online, and arting.

Private Message
ICQ 194470733
YIM KittenOfFire23
AIM tally_kitten1138

2003-01-28 14:09:25
: on my message thread below, sharp says he is able to d/l with 3-d downloads. do u know where the site is that he is talking about?

3d Downloads was the old server that the Dink Network used to use before they moved to Fileplanet. So it doesn't host Dink files anymore. The only way to get them now is through Fileplanet. :-/

allikitten has written 7 reviews

This is Your Original Historical Dmod Reconstruction: The Freedmen's BureauNormalGood 8.5December 12th, 2002
Cute Flower BloodNormalGood 7.7June 26th, 2002
This is a Very Nice Skin For Winamp DinkAmpNormalGood 8.9June 25th, 2002
This is the Best Graphical Tutorial Ever Simple GraphicsNormalExceptional 9.9June 24th, 2002
This Was Not the Best Dmod Gorack, Umtar, and Shreik: The First BattleNormalHorrible 1.9April 17th, 2002
I Really Liked This Dmod Isle of Croth (The)NormalExceptional 9.0April 17th, 2002
This Dmod Was Pretty Good Quest for Cheese (The)NormalGood 8.8March 30th, 2002