The Dink Network

Yuko6754's Profile

Peasant She/Her United States
This news has just filled my heart with rainbows! 
If anybody makes it this far (doubtful), then the is...a bit outdated. I've mainly moved here:

Now graduated high school and planning to start college in the fall, love gaming, love The Dink Network, love reading, writing, listening to music. Complete tomboy, hoping to go into the IT industry and write for fun on the side. Oh, and a lurker of the forums.

Wow that's much shorter.


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2011-12-30 23:49:24
Peasant She/Her United States
This news has just filled my heart with rainbows! 
Hokay, I really can't take anymore of this. If you're going to insult somebody (well, try to be original at the very least, please, cause you're failing at it) at least TRY to use correct spelling/grammar/punctuation, no? Surely I can't be that much older than you and I know this.

"Your the loser DD you stupid muslim prick."

*You're the loser, DD, you stupid Muslim prick.

(no offense to you at all, Doodler, merely trying to correct an error)

Yuko6754 has written 1 review

Great D-Mod Pilgrim's QuestNormalExceptional 9.8October 13th, 2008