The Dink Network

MrSpaztastic's Profile

I just turned 18. after finishing high school, i've decided to take a year off before going to college. Im currently scavenging for a job, and spending some of my spare time enjoying dink smallwood. i know essentially nothing about programming. the closest i've gotten to programming was when my calculus teacher taught us how to make a couple programs (which i forgot how to do).

Other Hobbies: biking, swimming, basketball, chess, and talking out of the side of my mouth.

Favorite Kind of Music: good music

Words to Live By: Laughter (or Oxycotin) is the best medicine.

Most Important Question Mankind has Yet to Answer: Who did that "waiting" song? it was on my family's old computer that crashed. there weren't any lyrics and the artist mustn't be very well known...but what a great song!

Private Message

2005-08-31 00:34:17
For those of you who live in the United States who enjoy stuffing your faces and watching reality shows-HAVE YOU GONE MAD?! Now dont take this personal, but your lowering america's standards so much that its no wonder states near the gulf are beginning to submerge. Its bad enough that we got deadbeat rappers acting, public schools preaching creationism, about a 50% divorce rate, and we gave our monkey in washington another 4 years. Now we are ruining the entertainment industry. What about the great SCRIPTED shows such a Greg the Bunny, Family Guy, 3rd Rock From the Sun, Becker, and Arrested Development? In civilized society there is suppose to be development and progress, not self-destruction and numming stupidity.

(forgot about Scrubs. thats a great show too)

MrSpaztastic has written 2 reviews

I Think This Upgrade Good Because it is Relatively Better Than the Previous Version Dink SmallwoodNormalGood 8.5August 31st, 2005
Awesome Weapon Add-on Banana WeaponNormalExceptional 9.0August 31st, 2005