The Dink Network

UltimateMidiCollection - The Second Volume

This is a cutsom made midi pack with some very cool midi. Very Origional.
Released:June 30th, 2002
File Size:6.31 KB
Release Notes:v1.00
July 6th, 2002
Score : 7.0 good
Peasant She/Her
This collection contains 7 (vol2-01 – vol2-07) midi files which the author composed.

I must say I think it is a bit more tricky to review a musiccollection then some other file. Whether one likes a file or not all depends on ones personal preferences of course, but I think that that is most strongly the case with music. You like it or you don’t, it’s that simple and it is hard to stay objective when listening to music.
But, since the author requested if more people could review this collection, I decided to give my opinion.

First the name. I don’t think you should call 7 midis the ultimate collection. Perhaps the author refers to the possible interpretation of fundamental or basic, but since ultimate can also be explained as the most important or the greatest possible, or the last or final, the title can me misconstrued. I thought this was a huge collection of midi files and was rather disappointed to find out there were only 7 of them. Of course it is all up to the author to decide what title to give to a file, but I was mislead by it.

Vol2-01: This one is 2 minutes long. It has as strong synthesiser-sound (all of them actually). It is not much varied. It has some high-pitched tones and gives a feeling of nervousness, so it could be used for a fight or for an exciting part of a story.

Vol2-02: This one is 2.01 minutes long. It resembles vol2-01, but has a bit more variation in it. It has the same high-pitched tones as vol2-01, but is overall a bit more low-pitched. It could be used for some dangerous situation.

Vol2-03: This one is 1.42 minutes long. It is slightly varied and low-pitched. It gives the impression of danger, so it could be used in a fight or in some other situation where you want to give the player the feeling of tension.

Vol2-04: This one is 2.53 minutes long. It sounds a bit like vol02-03, but is a bit more high-pitched. Also due to some sound effects, this gives the feeling of threat, so it could be used in a part of the story where something dangerous is going to happen.

Vol2-05: This one is 2.04 minutes long. The music fades away real slowly towards the end. Also due to sound effects it gives a creepy or eerie feeling. It could therefore be used in caves and such places.

Vol2-06: This one is 32.09 minutes long. Also because of the high-pitched tones, it gives a feeling of tension, of things to come, and therefore it is indeed suitable – as the author states – as an intro. However, after listening to it for about 15 minutes it really got on my nerves, so I think if used for an intro, it shouldn’t last that long.

Vol2-07: This one is 2.08 minutes long. It is not much varied. This one is somewhat difficult to put in a certain category. It is a mix of danger and tension and somewhat nerve-racking and creepy as well.

Overall: I don’t like this kind of music. However, the one I did like is vol2-05; this one stands out and is different. If you like synthesiser-music with not much variation, these are good. If you don’t I could still recommend vol2-05.