The Dink Network

Bomb (The)

The mayor of the town 'The End' receives a letter. The letter says that a bomb is going to blow up the whole town if the mayor doesn't give the blackmailer a certain amount of fish. Dink has to find a way to deactivate the bomb.

Playtime 60 - 120 min.
Released:October 1st, 2009
File Size:277.94 KB
Release Notes:Changed some dialogues.
Less screenlocks!
Edited some hardness.
Removed the saved games...
Play:Play this D-Mod right now in your web browser! (More Info)
September 30th, 2009
Score : 8.1 good
Peasant He/Him United States
The world could always use more heroes 
This is Iplaydink's first D-mod, titled "The Bomb". After playing it, I think it is a proper title for the D-mod. I actually thought this D-mod was pretty good.

Basic Info about the D-mod
The basic plot is that Dink has to learn how to defuse a bomb thats going to be used to blow up the town. The story is laid out pretty well and even someone like me (who cant figure things out) can finish this D-mod without too much trouble. It is quite straightforward, with fighting, and tough monsters.

There were some new graphics used in this D-Mod. There was a rug, chairs, the bomb (of course),windows, and a new ghost like grim reaper-like monster. They looked pretty good, but didn't completely fit in with the style of the other graphics.

The map is pretty good, but I felt that some of the screens felt a bit empty. The screens should have more details I think, such as more grass, or rocks. I noticed issues with the tiles in the caves. It's not a major issue, but it really bothers me because it doesn't look all that great. But nobody is perfect.

The midi's used were good in general, I liked the Pink Panther Theme, and another which is called In the Hall of the Mountain King or something like that. The midi's are a bit spread out so that they don't load every few screens which is a plus.

Some bad things I noticed, other than what I already mentioned, is that the with big pillbugs in the forest near "Slowpoke," the screen was locked every time. This got annoying after a while, having to kill all the pillbugs every single time you went through that area just got a bit tiresome and made me want to pull my hair out.

There were also some hardness issues with the sprites such as grasses, and some out of line walls, but nothing major that took away from the gameplay, just minor annoyances.

Overall, I liked this D-mod. Some of the scripts could have been cleaner, and the screenlocks could have been reduced, but for a first D-mod, I was not expecting any degree of perfection. Everyone should try this D-mod out.

Iplaydink's D-mod "The Bomb", was the bomb!
TopicPostsPosterLast Post
Walkthrough for 'The Bomb'4iplaydinkNovember 25th 2009, 04:02 AM
What do you think?18iplaydinkOctober 15th 2009, 10:48 PM