The Dink Network

Secret of Amehoela

Sori after waking up. Sori versus evil pillbugs! Sori and some other puppet.
Christian says, "Sori (you know him of Secret of Parizaya, don't you?) wakes up in his bed, and doesn't know what happened.
He looks at his self and sees that he's transformed into a puppet!
As soon as he gets out, he sees that everyone looks very weird.
Who did this and why???
THATS for you to find out."
Released:February 26th, 2006
File Size:769.14 KB
Release Notes:Gold
Play:Play this D-Mod right now in your web browser! (More Info)
July 6th, 2002
Score : 1.0 horrible
Peasant She/Her
Sori has turned into a puppet and has to find out who did that and why it happened.

Well, to me it wasn’t clear at all who did it and why it happened. There is no story what so ever. The music is good though. Sori looks like he came out of a bad comic strip, but the pillbugs have something going for them, and they look a lot better then Sori. The textboxes that appear when Sori pushes or hits are in comic strip style and that is funny. But overall I can’t recommend this one since there is no story at all and nothing is explained. And the fact that you die at the end is, according to me, a very strange way to win a game.
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Help1GlennglennNovember 29th 2004, 03:00 PM