The Dink Network


A script that gives Dink the ability to punch with Firefists.
Released:February 27th, 2001
File Size:103.54 KB
Release Notes:v1.00
November 8th, 2002
Score : 1.9 horrible
Peasant She/Her
This file lets you add a new weapon to a D-mod, namely fire fists.

The idea is nice, but the weapon is almost the same as the normal fist.

The test D-mod that came with the file lets you see how the fire fists work, but it looks like Dink casting a spell. So, although the readme.txt says that the graphics have been modified, they are the old ones. As is the item-ffs.c file, so nothing is actually changed. It is like Dink hitting, but with the animation of a spell.

The file is disorderly after you unzipped it. Several folders are empty, and when you start the D-mod there is no title screen since that is in the wrong folder. There are two dink.dat files, two dir.ff files, three fire folders and two story folders. A bit of a mess.

The file does not say anything about adjusting the dink.ini file, although it does say that the graphics for the fire fists should be in ‘DMODname/Graphics/Dink/Hit/Fire’. But if you make a new folder and put the graphics in that folder without adjusting the dink.ini, the graphics will not work, and this could be confusing for newbies if nothing is said about the dink.ini file.

Overall: I agree with the other reviewers.