The Dink Network


Dink cutting down trees after killing 2 ducks and two trees
In this D-Mod Dink can get hungry and starve.

To prevent that from happening you can kill ducks, pigs, fish, and some monsters. After that take their meat, cut trees and burn the logs to cook the meat on or you could use a fireplace.

You can also gather berry's from bushes and nuts from alktrees. The better Dink is fed the stronger he'll be.

NOTE: This is a Development D-Mod, and it may not have a quest to complete or a story to experience.
Released:May 13th, 2007
File Size:659.27 KB
Release Notes:*Fixed burning logs so fire won't appear on top of Dink
*Set hunger to normal when starting the game so it isn't decreased already when you've been on the title screen for a while
Play:Play this D-Mod right now in your web browser! (More Info)
May 22nd, 2007
Score : 9.6 exceptional
Peasant He/Him
This is a great Development! After "Dink goes hunting" d-mod, I though Erwin could ever do such a thing like this. I though wrong!

Everything that this d-mod's got, could be real. Everything could happen really. Erhm... not a fireball magic, but that's not the point.

Good - This d-mod's got a great idea. You can eat almoust everything that comes to your way. You can cook your meal outside with trees that are cutted by you. But, you can also cook inside your house. At fireplace.
You can go to restaurant to order a meal.

Bad - If you are this skilled, Erwin, you could delete the fireball. Instead of it, you could make a stick. You put it in your fireplace. And woolaa! You've got a stick with fire. Then you could use it to start fire on your trees. Also you could make something to drink. Not only to eat.

Overall: 9.6. points.

Fit for: Everyone, who wants or/and doesn't want to starve to death.
No! Everyone, who wants an excellent Development file with nice effects in it. They should play/test it!

Anyway, good Development, Erwin! I hope to see more kind of these Developments! Hope you'll make your "Dink goes hunting" with these skills and powers.
TopicPostsPosterLast Post
survival the D-mod11lanceOctober 3rd 2012, 07:49 PM